Public and Patient Involvement (PPI)
PPI Achievements
The PPI team have helped progress the FluCare trial at every stage in the process. Here we look over some of their contributions so far.
FluCare Tagline
'Working towards Flu-Free Care Homes' was created by the PPI team to help summarise the trial in a sentence
Trial Design
Key changes to the trial design have been brought forward by the PPI team to help deliver an effective trial
Covid-19 Statement
The PPI team created a statement to address the compulsory Covid vaccinations as FluCare was designed pre-pandemic
Intervention Video
The intervention video has been tweaked and polished with the help of the PPI team
Plain English Summaries
Plain English summaries have been used throughout the trial to ensure everyone understands our goals
This Website!
Fundamental changes have been introduced to this website with the help and ideas from the PPI team